18th day is Q'anil. Seed.********
is the Ying and Yang and the sperm. Life of nature, procreation.
Female Q'anil people like to have lots of babies and are midwives by nature.
Good spiritual guides.
Ask for seed germination, good life, and to protect
the ecosystem. Live in harmony with nature.
Q'anil is a special day to bless all kinds of seeds.
Also to ask for children using the energies of corn.
Use 4 colors of maize crushed and make a drink to assist with fertility. For
difficult cases, have
the man bring a female dog and the female bring a male dog to a strong altar.
Use a hummingbird with this spell
to promote fertility.
parts: genitals, ovaries, ovum, semen
from: forest, lakes, and highlands.
proud, loud, no budget