12th day is Iq'. The Air.********
or Hummingbird.
Creator above. Essential cosmic energy. Ask for protection from windy storms.
Wind people have a connection with the ancestors.
Breath of Life. Like Water, Wind is an original primal force of great energy.
We need air.
Spirtual guides born on Air have a mission to give life and work with people
removing negative energies.
Essence of Life. Channel sex for growth.
To remove or prevent negative energies from home or
family. Ask to not have illnesses in plants ,
animals, or people. Ceremony for ancestors. Ask for protection from windy storms
and contagious illnesses.
Remove negativity. Iq' is a good day for fertility ceremony.
parts: Respiratory system, throat.
from: mountains, hills, cure ills anywhere high up or
where there is snow.
disorderly, angry or short tempered, opinionated